Why Do I Need Boat Insurance?

Boat owners may breathe a sigh of relief because most states don’t require boat insurance. However, boat owners should rethink this thought. Boat insurance provides many benefits. Although it’s not required, boat insurance provides many benefits and protections. Luebbering Insurance Agency LLC of Jefferson City, MO is dedicated to educating boat owners on the many benefits of boat insurance.

Why Should You Invest In Boat Insurance?

If you have any plans of using public or private marinas you will probably be required to carry boat insurance. Accidents happen. Most of us can’t afford to replace or repair someone else’s boat, let alone our own. This is one of the many reasons why most marinas require that boat owners carry insurance before they have the use of a marina. 

Additional Benefits…

As stated above, most of us couldn’t afford to replace our boats out of pocket or cover damage to our boats if we needed to. This is another area where boat insurance becomes extremely beneficial. Boat insurance can help repair or even replace your boat in the event of some unfortunate accident or mishap. 

A Question Of Liability

If someone is injured or incurs damage to their property while they are on your boat, you could be held responsible. Similar to auto or even homeowner insurance, boat insurance can cover lawyer fees if you are sued as a result of someone else’s suffering or injuries while on your boat. It can also cover medical expenses and replace other people’s damaged property. This is another reason why boat insurance is an investment that’s well worth it.

Although the only state that requires boat owners to carry insurance in Utah and Arkansas, it’s a worthy investment if you want to use marinas and can’t afford to pay for injuries or mishaps that could befall guests aborad your boat. It’s also a good idea for anyone who can’t afford to repair or replace a boat using your own money. Boat insurance is a small investment compared to the money you’ll shell out if you don’t have insurance. Give us a call. Were here to help you.